Tuesday 11 October 2016

                                                  OSAZUWA'S LAW
You can run away from Nigeria, anywhere in the world or even from your family, but your believe will certainly find you out. I have often wondered what Murphy was actually thinking when he came out with his very famous law? His law is strong enough to weaken even the most dogged fighter and plant disaster where there is non. It states "Nothing is as easy as it looks; Everything takes longer than you expect; And if anything can go wrong, it will and at the worst possible moment". But here comes my own little twist " Everything is as easy as your believe no matter how tough it looks, with a great expectation and willingness to work at it, great things could happen soon; And you can eventually create very right outcomes in the shortest possible moment". You can begin to challenge all the negative status surrounding your life. You can choose to win big in circumstances where others failed! 

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