Monday 10 October 2016

                                                                 40 YEARS AGO
History never forgets. This is why quality decisions remains the safest route to the future. When your books are opened, what are the things that will be found written therein? Do you think your children will be so proud of the ''Acts'' of their father? 90 minutes before the second U.S presidential debate, four women walked into the press conference, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Kathy Shelton and Juanita Broaddrick. I do not think there will ever be a suitable word to explain how Bill Clinton must have felt seeing all of these women? This was not supposed to be Hillary's pain at all but because her very dear husband made some very bad decisions with these women 40 years ago, it became a very big issue. After this very event, how do you think the environment would look like in the home of the Clintons? What do you think will be going on in the mind of Hillary? May we not make very wrong permanent decisions in temporary circumstances or situations!

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