Friday, 23 September 2016

                                                         GROWTH BY CHOICE YOUR

''Even if you are small, think big, get others to believe it and you will become it'' was the very powerful caption I saw as I flipped the Forbes Magazine today. As I read about the courage of two brothers who took up their father's challenge as a tool that spurred them for greatness, I just marvelled. ''Anyone can play a video game but can you create one?'' was the question their father posed to the Turakhia brothers ( Divyank and Bhavin). At age 13 and 15, they began reading computer books and using their computer lab at the select Arya Vidya Mandir School in Mumbai's Bandra district during lunch breaks and free time after school. Directly they said '' When we were kids, we thought we could achieve anything. We still do''. Twenty one years after, with this ''we can do it'' spirit, they built a huge I.T company which they sold to a Chinese consortium. As we speak, they have just debut on the India Rich List and right now, they are rich enough to buy anything money can buy. Do not undermine how far you can go in life. Just grow and make up your mind to be better at what you do. The quality of your work could become your biggest P.R AGENT. Catch you on the greatness plain!

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