In life, I have seen people demystify enigmatic characters, ascribing their successes to all kinds of mystics, which makes the statement true that " any puzzle a black man feel too lazy to unravel, he demystifies". My take is that, most people enjoy unprecedented favours not because they are too special but because they are determined enough to do the very rigorous extra that average people will not do.
A very great example is a very unique character that is not only celebrated but also honoured all over the world, Beyoncé. She is so good in what she does that most people ascribe her greatness to illuminati. But if you are familiar with the bible, you would have seen a place that says in Proverbs 22: 29 " seest thou a man ( woman) diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men". I did a little research on her and I was just blown away. She works out 5 days a week and practices choreography 7 days a week
- 5 times a week, she engages in real work out with her personal trainer
- She does 30 minutes of cardio every morning
- She does 45 minutes of weight lifting daily
- She does about 9 hours of choreography 7 times a week
- She runs every day
- She does yoga daily
- She eats 6 small meals per day
- She must eat breakfast
- She eats lots of vegetables
- She does not eat any refined food
- She does not drink any alcohol
So, you can see why the world will always ascribe her success to all kinds of things?
I learnt certain things from her life:
She is known for one thing- Entertainment: Everything she does is to strengthen just one thing, entertainment. Even though she does other things as side line. She is known for singing and dancing.
Consistent daily routine: Her daily routine is constant. Even when she goes on tour or doing other things, her day is not complete without her routine. If I can see your daily routine, I can predict your future
Discipline: You can tell she is disciplined with her routine from the results she produces? If your discipline radar is not alive, you will hardly go very far with God
No wonder lazy people have a very unique way of explaining away the distinct results of others. You better sit up and do what God has called you to do. Just do your part and leave the world to do the critism, for a wise man said " Critism is the fee a loser pays to a winner". God Bless You