Monday 26 June 2017


Nobody will doubt the fact that size of the penis is sometimes very vital when it comes to sexual pleasure but in marriage, a wife's sexual pleasure is truly not about the size of the penis

If you are truly desirous of giving your wife an unforgettable sexual encounter, only one person can help you do that, and that is your wife!

Whether your penis is half inches, one, two or even seven inches, without the help of your wife, you will do a forever 'bang' and develop severe waist pain, while your wife will not in any way 'feel it'.

The following are certain things that should be noted:

- Ensure that your wife is happy with you ( attempting to make love to your wife when there are unresolved issues is suicide, your wife will never enjoy it and you will not as well)

- You have to be sure she wants it as much as you do ( that your wife is happy with you does not mean she wants to have sex - you could observe, set the mood or better still ask)

- Ensure total privacy ( keep intruders out at all cost - including children, friends, neighbours and family members)

- Go at her pace ( running as fast as a wild horse is not wise especially if it is not your wife that asked for it)

- Let her tell you the position she prefers

Going solo  when it comes to helping your wife enjoy sex is a miserable thing to do. If she must enjoy it, you must let her participate and if possible,  let her also call the shots. You will realise, whether your penis is huge or small, your wife will enjoy sex every time with you!

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