Tuesday, 13 December 2016

                                                              SEX GONE SOUR

If you think sex is a small issue, wait till one partner is not enjoying it? Today, sex have died in many homes and the hope of it coming back alive Is very lean. There are certain things that are responsible for the sourness of sex in many homes.
1. PERSONAL PREFERENCE: Everybody will not enjoy the doggy, butterfly or any other sexual positions. The fact that you enjoy it from the back does not mean your spouse should enjoy your preference.
2. EXCESSIVE USE OF PORNOGRAPHY: Pornography can never be reality, that's a movie, but when it becomes your only idea of great sex, your sex will always be sour. There could be so many cuts, and behind the scenes in the making of one scene which you should never try at home.
3. EXCESSIVE ADDICTION TO MASTURBATION: When you can always climax on your own, sexual activity with a partner will hardly mean much to you.
4. CULTURAL RESTRICTIONS: Our culture mostly makes it very difficult for women to be very open about sex. Most times a woman might end up just doing sex to please the man and nothing more. The culture makes it seem like any woman who is open about sex is regarded a prostitute
5. LAZINESS: Most times, spouses become too lazy to work at their sexual lives. A healthy sex life is not by accident but a high commitment to making it work.
UNRESOLVED ISSUES: There can never be any form of meaningful sex when unresolved issues are left lingering all around the home. You must never use sex to resolve issues else those issues will remain unresolved. The rule is, no sex until issues are resolved! You must have resolved any pending issues before you indulge in the sex act
You must make up your mind to openly discuss sex with your spouse and unitedly make efforts to improve your sex lives. If you are the better sexually, please lovingly help the other until he/she can get it right. And both of you must be willing to learn how to make it better. Thanks

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