Thursday, 23 June 2016

A DIFFERENT STYLE OF LEADING. Sometimes leadership is so disconnected from the grass root, that they only rely on feedbacks from the P.R team. The bitter truth is this, most of the P.R team have a way of telling the leadership at the top, would they would love to hear, that is what appeals to their ego. But top leadership would be more in sync with the people on the down line if they put parameters or practices in place to get direct feedback from the people. One of the most famous devices for creating been effective the people was a practice developed by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, founders of the legendary electronics manufacturing firm in California. Hewlett and Packard both would wander around through their company, engaging in conversations about work in progress or any other topics that arose. They found these opportunities to be so useful that they formalised them in a company management principle called MBWA" management by walking around". Hewlett-Packard's published vision for how they wanted to work together was modelled and reinforced by this practise and institutionalised as an expectation for management behaviour at every level.
If most African leaders adopt this style of leadership in their governance, Africa will be better for it. But the problem is that they out so much sycophants all around them. Leadership is not just about getting people to do your bidding but inspiring them to get the work done with a very high sense of personal fulfilment.

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